Monday, May 25, 2020

Classroom Makeover, By Cathy Davidson Essay - 1424 Words

Typically gifted and talented programs are intended to challenge fast pace learners and recognize their special abilities, however the innocuous separation between peers can prevent other students’ talents from being acknowledged and advanced. While the gifted and talented students are applauded for their intellectual capabilities and natural talents, other students are labeled as average or less skilled. Placement into these programs are rooted from the results of standardized testing, which students and teachers spend a great amount of time preparing for. Preparation for these exams alter the curriculum and objective for learning all together. Some education systems seem to focus more on teaching to test rather than teaching to educate. In Cathy Davidson essay, â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover,† she explores how there should be more emphases on the relevance, relationship and rigor in the classroom and how this can teach students more efficiently and improve our schoo l. Within the past 15 years, advancements in technology alone theoretically have created new prospective ways of learning, therefore standardized testing may be an inadequate method of testing students’ talents and abilities. Because each student’s future is so heavily weighted on their performance throughout grade school, education systems should have a well-rounded system in place that allows students to support and learn from each other rather than creating a divide between the strong versus the poor testShow MoreRelatedProject Classroom Makeover, By Cathy Davidson1169 Words   |  5 PagesJennifer White Professor Lee ENC 1102 25 September 2015 Summary Cathy Davidson is an English and humanities professor at Duke University. She has published over twenty books, many dealing with technology and education. In â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover,† she argues that the way the United States teaches students is not preparing them for the skills needed for success in the twenty-first century. To illustrate her point, Professor Davidson presents the historical development of the educational systemRead MoreProject Classroom Makeover By Cathy Davidson Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesEducation is a very powerful tool in the twenty-first century; the power of knowledge allows an individual to advance his social and economic status. â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover† by Cathy Davidson demonstrates the necessity of a customized education system in modern America while explaining why traditional learning is slowly reversing true American values. Since the late 1800s, the United States of America has developed a reputation of â€Å"r ags to riches† because of the success stories of John D. RockefellerRead MoreProject Classroom Makeover By Cathy Davidson1384 Words   |  6 Pagesa change in the way that the education system was set up. In her essay, â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover†, Cathy Davidson discusses how the â€Å"one size fits all† model of learning hinders students from learning in a new and modernized way. She suggests the notion that using technology to teach and learn can be effective in many ways. Davidson shows that using technology presents the opportunity for a traditional classroom to become more inclusive and creative. The â€Å"democratization of knowledge† is the improvementRead MoreProject Classroom Makeover, By Cathy Davidson1310 Words   |  6 Pagesend, they all contribute to the advancement of society. Throughout â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover,† Cathy Davidson explores the need for such change in America’s educational system as it lags years b ehind the modern standards. Technology serves as an impetus to change and reform this antiquated system through facilitating new means of learning not previously available. While technology does have its benefits in the classrooms, it cannot alone replace the interactions between students and teachers becauseRead MoreProject Classroom Makeover By Cathy Davidson1594 Words   |  7 Pagespresence of technology. Nowadays, technology has become a major part of our lives and created a huge change in this world, and gives an opportunity for children to enhance their creativity and adapt to change quickly. In Cathy Davidson’s article, â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover†, Davidson discusses how vital the process of unlearning is to students and present education system. Unlearning discourages students from learning in a fashion that has all the pre-set directions, and gives independence to studentsRead More`` Project Classroom Makeover `` By Cathy Davidson Essay1970 Words   |   8 Pageswould inevitably result in failure because their proponents blindly believe in the efficiency of equality. They neglect how people are motivated to improve and to test their limits by their instinct to compete. In her writing â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover†, Cathy Davidson proposes egalitarian plans consist of a â€Å"democratization of knowledge† (54) which depends on crowdsourcing and â€Å"working together collectively† (51). In Davidson’s perspective, problems will be solved by allowing everyone the equal opportunityRead MoreAnalysis Of Project Classroom Makeover By Cathy Davidson2143 Words   |  9 Pagesindividuals who are also motivated by their own values and dreams. These people are willing to step outside of the realm of ‘standard success’ and strive for what constitutes as success in their opinion. The following texts- â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover† by Cathy Davidson, â€Å"Biographies of Hegemony† by Karen Ho, and â€Å"An Army of One, Me† by Jean Twenge- all demonstrate the conflicts and consequences of social construct and self-desires on our perceptions of success. While social construct influences manyRead MoreAnalysis Of Project Classroom Makeover, And An Army Of One : Me, By Cathy Davidson1547 Words   |  7 PagesIn all three texts, â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover,† â€Å"Biographies of Hegemony,† and â€Å"An Army of One: Me,† the authors, Cathy Davidson, Karen Ho, Jean Twenge, respectively, explore different ideas of â€Å"the Self.† They defined and expanded what it meant to be an individual through curiosity. How was the â€Å"Self† developed? What were the main factors of a more â€Å"self-celebrated† society? Why are aspects of narcissism seen more and more today? These answers were discovered when the idea of â€Å"self-focus† wasRead MoreAnalysis Of Karen Lee s Project Classroom Makeover Essay1236 Wor ds   |  5 Pageson the top of the chain of command dictate the social norms for the remaining individuals on the antithetical end of the spectrum. Individuals with traits outside these norms are ostracized and looked down upon by the hierarchy. Cathy Davidson’s, Project Classroom Makeover, promotes the use of customization in the education system to accommodate every students’ learning habits over the current use of standardization and curriculum based teachings. On the other hand, Karen Ho’s, Biographies of HegemonyRead MoreInquiry Based Opportunities And Narcissism Essay1226 Words   |  5 PagesBased Opportunities and Narcissism The question of how to properly teach children has been constantly debated over ever since the existence of the education system. On the precipice of such debate are two outspoken critics, Cathy Davidson, author of â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover,† and Jean Twenge, author of â€Å"An Army of One: Me,† who have both denounced the traditional school curriculum. Their beliefs, that public school have ruined students by placing too much emphasis on self-esteem as well as content

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Perfection Of The Knight In The General Prologue Of

The perfection of the knight in The General Prologue of the Canterbury Tales represents an idealized form of chivalry. Through exhaustive conquest and moderate temperament, the knight embodies chivalric qualities that elevate him to an idealized state. Moreover, the knight is temperamentally moderate despite his martial successes and his merit is unmatched by any other knight. Being in such high prestige, the knight has inherent discretional rights in deciding what is or isn’t true knighthood. After Chaucer establishes the knight as perfect he contrasts him with the squire and yeoman. Now, since the knight is the pure embodiment of knighthood, the squire and the yeoman act as impure forms representing two separate excesses that undermine†¦show more content†¦Or, maybe his merit and moderate humility (I.73) won the narrators respect. Regardless, his respect is well established in The General Prologue, line 67: â€Å"and evermoore he hadde a sovereyn prys;† and r esonates throughout the entire Canterbury Tales. Even the miller’s requiting of the knight’s tale is tactful, despite his drunkenness. Rather than attacking the knight ad hominem Robyn directs his attack on the â€Å"Knyghtes tale.† As identified above, Robyn’s tact here is admirable; despite his intoxication he refrains from attacking the knight personally. Essentially, the knight’s air renders him beyond reproach. Along with the knight’s favorable portrait, the placement of the squire and yeoman after the knight accentuates his perfection. Also, if the narrators order of remembrance when writing the prologue is to be considered, the squire and yeoman’s connection to the knight is part of a greater thematic chunk; for, after the yeoman, Chaucer portrays the first nun and particularly highlights her simplicity and coyness—marking a complete thematic change from the outwardly martial yeoman to the â€Å"shy†, pretentious prioress. Thus, the opposites but up to accentuate each other. Let us now evaluate the squire and yeoman more closely to determine which details make them each a type of foil to the knight. The squire is the knight’s immediate offspring (I.79) and is described as moderately tall, exceptionally agile, and greatly strong (I.82-83). However, the squire’s physicalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales1261 Words   |  6 PagesGeoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales The Knight, Squire, Prioress, The Monk and the Friar are defined by their settings in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. 1. Portnoy says in his article in the Chaucer Review that The General Prologue is like a mirror reflecting the individuals appearance which then defines the character of that person.(281) 2. Scanlon backs up Portnoy in his article from Speculum by saying †¦Characters descriptions somehow emerge inevitably fromRead MoreChaucer s Squire : An Exploration Of Character Modalities1473 Words   |  6 PagesExploration of Character Modalities Within Geoffrey Chaucer s General Prologue, he describes the broad spectrum of characters in concise yet immersive language. One of the first to be examined is the character of the young Squire. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Style at Nike - 2715 Words

MBA FIRST YEAR 2012 MBA 8105 – ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR LEADERSHIP CONUNDRUM: NIKE AFTER KNIGHT Prepared by Narendra Hirani Registration Number MBA/2443/12 April 2012 1a) Discuss and evaluate the appropriateness of the leadership style adopted by Phil Knight. Philip Knight’s leadership style can be analysed using the various leadership theories that have been developed. Their appropriateness can be evaluated based on the information available in the case study. Rensis Liekert developed four systems of leadership, exploitative autocratic, benevolent authoritative, participative and democratic. Knight’s leadership style at Nike can be described as democratic as per the systems developed by Riekert. According to Riekert, the†¦show more content†¦We are also informed that Knight is subordinate oriented, as per the leadership continuum developed by Tannenbaum and Schmidt. In this approach the manager allows the team to develop options and make decisions within their mandate which has been agreed upon at the onset. In the case of Knight, it is demonstrated on more than one occasion that he is prepared to sit and watch from t he sidelines, whilst his executives make decisions. This style is very suitable for industries whereby there is a need for development of new products within the organization. In Nike, we observe that they are always in the process of developing new products and therefore giving his senior executives a â€Å"free hand† in developing new ideas and executing them is vital to the success of the organization. Knight adopts the participative mode of leadership. The key characteristics of a participative leader are: * maintains free-flowing and honest communication; * remains easily accessible; * stresses development for his subordinates; * expresses consideration and support; * is willing to change. We note that Knight demonstrated all the traits listed above. The traits listed above allowed the other Nike employees to express their creative thoughts and allow Nike to develop new products and also new marketing strategies which have assisted Nike in achieving the success it h as achieved so far. It is alsoShow MoreRelatedTheories of Management in Practice1274 Words   |  5 Pages Nike seems to be led in a leadership style that is more akin to Theory Y. Phil Knight and his successor Bill Perez are known in the press such as in the Stanford University alumni magazine, Business Week, Forbes, and official Nike press releases that proclaim that they do what is best for the company and not what is best for them personally as individuals. Nike is one of the first major western corporations that has adopted human resource, management, and organisational leadership styles foundRead MoreNikes Approach To Compete International Case Study1234 Words   |  5 Pagestime they were distributing running shoes for a company in Japan. (Nike, 2015). One could say they were ahead of their time and true visionaries; moreover, they were doing business with a foreign country and would soon branch out to Asia. They designed and tested their shoes in America; however, they soon realized the value in overseas manufacturing, so they outsourced the manufacturing to Asia. Competing Internationally Since Nike started their business with Japan, they were familiar with the policiesRead MoreLeadership Practices in The Post-Bureaucratic Era1575 Words   |  7 Pagesgoing to argue that leadership practices bring impacts on sustainable development in the post-bureaucratic era. World Commission on Economic Development(WCED) defines sustainable development as development that satisfies the needs in the present as well as in the future (Bansal 2005). Business is considered as an aspect of the society as a whole (Evans 1992) and it can be seen that the society is more concerned about ethics,law and regulations,thus a more sustainable management style is widely appliedRead MoreNike Case Answers1120 Words   |  5 PagesNike Case Answers– Spreading out to stay together 1. When Nike CEO Phil Knight stepped down and handed his job to Bill Perez, he stayed on as chairman of the board. In what ways could Knight’s continued presence on the board have created an informal structure that prevented Perez from achieving full and complete leadership of Nike? Answer: Informal structures are the set of unofficial relationships between organization members. Potential advantages of informal structures: ââ€" ª Helping peopleRead MoreNike, Mission, Vision, Values, Principles Essay704 Words   |  3 PagesRunning head: NIKE, Inc. Mission, Vision, Principles 1 NIKE, Inc. Mission, Vision, Principles Ameirah Aldahmani MSM631 – Strategic Management and Financial Reports Analysis Regis University Saturday, September 04, 2010 Abstract This paper is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of NIKE, Inc., done as six separate sections. The six sections of the project are external environment analysis, S.W.O.T analysis, executive interview, strategic and tactical plans and controls, structure,Read MoreNike Business Analysis Essay1378 Words   |  6 Pagesattributed to its shrewd marketing strategy. As reported in its 2009-2010 Annual report, because NIKE is a consumer products company, â€Å"the relative popularity of various sports and fitness activities and changing design trends affect the demand for our products†. Therefore, Nike must â€Å"respond to trends and shifts in consumer preferences by adjusting the mix of existing product offerings, developing new products, styles and categories, and influencing sports and fitness preferences through aggressive marketing†Read MoreCase Study - Nike: Spreading Out to Stay Together1343 Words   |  6 PagesCase Study: Amazon: Nike: Spreading Out to Stay To gether Nike, Inc. is an American  multinational corporation  that is engaged in the design, development and worldwide marketing and selling of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. The company is headquartered near  Beaverton, Oregon, in the  Portland metropolitan area. It is the world s leading supplier of  athletic shoes  and  apparel  and a major manufacturer of  sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$24.1  billion in its fiscalRead MoreNike s Offensive Competitive Advantage1206 Words   |  5 Pagescompetitive advantage. Therefore, this subject is difficult to understand and then apply to a company. The Five Generic Competitive Strategies that Michael E. Porter developed are not really five strategies, more like five with subsets under them. Nike does not fit neatly into a specific strategy. The first factor within the competitive strategy as described in the Essentials of Strategic Management textbook is a broad target market or a narrow target market. The second factor considers the competitiveRead MoreNikes Core Competencies Exist In Their1511 Words   |  7 Pagestheir products and markets. Although Nike does not manufacture any of its own shoes, the company is still today’s leader in selling athletic shoes and apparel. Nikes marketing strategy is an important component of the companys success. Nike is located as a premium-brand, selling well-designed and costly products. Nike lures clients with a marketing strategy centring on their brand image: a distinctive logo (the Swoosh ) and the advertising slogan Just Do It. Nike promotes its products by supportRead MoreNike Marketing Strategy Review1044 Words   |  5 PagesMurad Tahirov Marketing Spotlight-Nike The Nike story begins with its founder, running enthusiast Phil Knight. In 1962, Knight started Blue Ribbon Sports, the precursor to Nike. At the time, the athletic shoe industry was dominated by two German companies, Adidas and Puma. Knight recognized a neglected segment of serious athletes whose specialized needs were not being addressed. The concept was simple: Provide high-quality running shoes designed especially for athletes by athletes. Knight

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Networking Systems for Defined Networking-

Question: Discuss about theNetworking Systemsfor Software Defined Networking. Answer: Introduction Networking is really important for any company or firm as this helps them to transfer files and resources within the home network. Setting up a network also helps in connecting every other server in the local area network and the transmission of files also becomes quite easy and fast. One user can look on to the system of another user who is connected in the same network. There are some problems also while implementing the network in a firm and that is, the network needs to be kept safe and secure from any external authorization. The network consists of seven layers and the packet of data had to travel from all these seven layers when they go from a user to server and while returning a reply, the packet of data follows the same path but vice-versa. Networking is very useful when used for small network as then, no external storage devices are required and also the transmission of data is quite fast too. Advantage of having an in house network is that it is safe from any kind of threat and the network analyzer needs to keep a close eye on the access that is being made on the network. It anyone is trying to gain access without proper authorization, the user should be blocked then and there only. Also, the network manager should try to upgrade the systems for better transmission of data. In the following report, the need of communication network is discussed and also the importance of the communication network is shown. It also discusses the eminent problems while integrating the network part within the system also what qualifications are required that the company is searching for in cooperate network manager. SMs Business Goals and their Technical Goals based on Business Requirements Sheehan Marketing or SM is basically a mid-sized firm that mainly focuses on film/video and music. To stay in the market, the president of Sheehan Marketing understands that they need to upgrade their systems in order to stay in the market and to be competitive [3]. For this to happen, they need their information system to work more efficiently so that each branch can work independently and the entire database should be connected to the main head office for faster transmission of data regarding any project. In order to do so, the firm needs to hire a network technologist who could help the firm oversee their problems and also helps in maintaining Sheehan Marketings data [5]. The main goal of Sheehan Marketing would be the integration and co-ordination of data communication that needs to set up across every branch office which will help them to be competitive and also help them to improve more in the future. Another major goal for the firm is to hire someone who is good with networkin g technology so that the person is able to guide the firm about all the networking problems and also helps in connecting all the branch offices with the main one [10]. In order to achieve all the technical goals, they would have to hire a network specialist who can help them to look into their problems and also helps them managing all their data. In order to remain in the market, they need to upgrade their systems by improving the communication between all the branch offices and head offices [11]. Currently the firm has no interconnection with any branch which means that information cannot be shared with all the branches if one is having. The problem is that each branch has its own database about their clients and projects and the head office is unaware of it and due to this, the firm cannot make any decisions. So in order to keep up with these problems, they need an on-site technical support which can help them to keep their LANs working smoothly and also all the offices should be connected with the main office as well as others so that information can be shared among every level [1]. SMs Data Communication Needs The need for communication for Sheehan Marketing is really important as this would help the company to connect the entire databases of all the branches with the head office and also among each other. This would ensure the efficient working of all the branches as there will be sharing of information resources which will help others to know about the working [13]. Also connecting the databases with the main head office will help the firm to evaluate what they are lacking and what they need to do to improve it. This would give the firm a competitive advantage over the others which will help them to remain in the market. Communication is also important as this would help the company to improve their service quality and by communication with their clients, they can know what the customers want and also in house communication is also important as by this they can also know the problems their employees are facing while working in there. Communication makes the flow of information much easy to get and transfer [9]. Communication also helps in bringing new innovative ideas among the employees by which the firm can make more profit and also this helps in building an effective team which and this would indeed help in the growth of the company as by this all the employees can able to know what is going on within other branches so that others can also work accordingly to that and help in increasing the productivity. Communication is also important as this ensures the transparency among the organization. This would help the company as this would ensure the flow of information to every level among all the branches and by this other sub branches can also share their information and update the main office with the number of new clients and projects that they got. This will help the company to evaluate this information and also help them to make better decision which in turn will help the company to grow more [2]. All these things would be solved if the company can hire any netw orking specialist who will help them to solve all these problems so that company can work more effectively. Problems while Integrating and Coordinating the Networks There are some problems with the proposed integration and coordination of the required networks. First is the issue of managing all these huge data from every branch would be quite difficult and to manage all these data, the company needs to hire a specialized IT professional who is aware of what he/she is doing and also this will help in managing all these. Managing all these data are not that easy as there will be huge amount of data and also the retrieval of data is also required and if necessary, the data might needs to be changed and also to make sure that all these data will reflect in other branches too so that there will be no miscommunication. Some of the data should be available for the high level employees only and there should be a limited amount of data accessibility for rest of the employees [3]. Second is that the network should be made secure from any kind of threats else one can get in to the network and steal those data or even manipulate the data or erasing them. T hird issue would be that if all the systems are not synchronized properly then this might led to failure of system or even the data might get deleted. Fourth problem is that if there is any technical error within the networking system then the whole process would stop then and there only. The fifth problem is that they need to have a LAN administrator who will look onto these matters and to check thoroughly if there is any problem or not. They are also responsible to check for any loopholes that might be present within the networking systems else one might sniff into the networks and can also inject any kind of malware which can cripple the system for good. Sixth is that there should be on-site technical support team who can help the employees with the networking problems. Without them, if the employees face any kind of problems, then they will not be able to identify the exact problem and by this all their work will stop which can prove to be futile [8]. Skills Required for New Co-operate Networking Technology Manager In order to meet the companys requirement of communication among all the levels, the company need to hire a network specialist who can do this possible. The company also needs to inter connect all the databases from all the branches so that sharing of information resource can be made possible which will ensure the smooth working of everything among the communication [7]. For all this things, the firm needs to hire someone who is quite experienced and has a good knowledge over networking and database and also know how to connect different databases among each other so that employees at different level as well as different branches can access these databases. One should also have a proper knowledge about which networking system would be best for the firm [14]. They should also be able to do a critical thinking about any problems and should be able to provide an alternate solution to overcome those problems. They are also responsible for monitoring of the network for any suspicious acti vities and if found any, they should be able to stop it there only. Also they should known to implement network security so that unauthorized access can be stopped. They also know how to write networking programs and should have a good sense of making judgement regarding any network related issues and also help in decision making. They should do a full system analysis and evaluation on a timely basis and should try to update their systems [12]. They should also know how to do troubleshoot in different systems and should also help in designing the technology. They should also conduct quality control analysis to see what the networking system is missing and also to update the system according to the report. They should also make sure that ever thing is working properly and that data can be accessed and send to all the respective branches within time. They should also try to teach other employees about the system mechanisms so that they can work more efficiently [5]. They should also t ry to provide some unique solutions to the problems and should have a good negotiation power when the firm needs to install any network related something. References [1] Kreutz, D., Ramos, F. M., Verissimo, P. E., Rothenberg, C. E., Azodolmolky, S., Uhlig, S. . Software-defined networking: A comprehensive survey.Proceedings of the IEEE,103(1), 2015, pp. 14-76. [2] Nunes, B. A. A., Mendonca, M., Nguyen, X. N., Obraczka, K., Turletti, T. A survey of software-defined networking: Past, present, and future of programmable networks.IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials,16(3), 2014, pp. 1617-1634. [3] Xylomenos, G., Ververidis, C. N., Siris, V. A., Fotiou, N., Tsilopoulos, C., Vasilakos, X., ... Polyzos, G. C. A survey of information-centric networking research.IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials,16(2), 2014, pp. 1024-1049. 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