Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human digestion Essay

The salivary glands are the first to react in the digestive process, which are usually triggered by either the sight or the smell of food. Food enters the digestive tract through the mouth where the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands help moisten and break down the food within minutes. The food then becomes something called a bolus, which will travel through the pharynx, then through the esophagus, and into the stomach. As the food travels through the pharynx the epiglottis is in place to prevent food from entering the lungs. Once the bolus enters the stomach it is broken down with acid secretions. The food is partially digested within the stomach. The bolus then becomes chyme (a semiliquid food). Chyme usually leaves the stomach during a time frame of 2-6 hours. The small intestine is where most of the digestion and nutrient absorption takes place with the help of secretions from the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The small intestine consists of three parts: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. Anything that is not absorbed in the small intestine then enters the large intestine travelling through the sphincter. The sphincter prevents any of the remaining food from re-entering the small intestine. The large intestine is made up of two major parts: the colon and the rectum. The colon aids in the absorption of leftover water, vitamins, or minerals. Anything left over after this process is considered waste product (feces) and is then excreted from the body via the anus, which is attached to the colon. Reference Human Digestion Activity. Retrieved August 21, 2009 from

To what extent was the USA a Divided Union in the years 1941-1980?

Politically the USA has always been a democracy, with an allowance for all political parties to express their opinions. But there have been times in the aforementioned decades from 1941-1980 where political beliefs, like socialism and communism have been feared in the government to such an extent that McCarthyism was allowed to become mainstream in the 1950's. This fear was so great that people were tried and prosecuted on false allegations, and that based on these lies most were sentenced to jail, and some were even killed, like the Rosenbergs. The Rosenbergs were nuclear scientists who during the Second World War, while the USA was allied with the USSR, gave some non-classified information to the Soviets. They were tried and executed in 1953. True, some of the accused were indeed communists, or had communist beliefs, but none of them had ever done anything to jeopardise the security of the USA, nor had the power to. Also in the American political system there did not exist anyone to represent the minority blacks, as they did not have the power to vote until the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and even then there never was a black president voted into power as there is still a certain amount of non active racial discrimination in the American governmental system till the 1980's. Socially, Racism has always existed between the minority WASPs who hold the power in America and other racial groups, mainly the black American population who were originally brought to the USA as slaves. This discrimination on basis of skin colour was against the American constitution, and should have been illegal, but it was legalised with the inception of the ‘Jim Crow' laws. These sets of corrupt racist laws had many preposterous clauses such as the ‘grandfather law' and others, which basically denied black Americans of their inalienable civil rights. This started the Civil Rights movement, but one case of racial discrimination was the trigger. This was the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 in which the black American majority bus users boycotted the bus service on command of Martin Luther King, later to be the leader in black civil rights. His movements gained many successes, such as the pre-mentioned 1965 Voting rights Act, which outlawed the discrimination of voting on basis of race, and most importantly the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which gave black people the equal rights to do whatever they pleased, and gave them equal employment opportunities. Other more radical black American movements also came into being, such as Black Power, with the Black Panthers being the main case. This movement charaded in the guise of militants, wearing a uniform and carrying unloaded guns, to show that they would use violence if needed, but they were indeed a charity organisation, providing shelters and soup kitchens for the poor. They were feared because of their leftist beliefs and were hunted down by the FBI. Protest movements later became much more common in the 60s and 70s, following the lead of the Civil Rights movement. The Women's Movement fought for equal rights based on sex and won their legal battle. The student movement generally rebelled against the norm, but they mainly protested against the Vietnam War as they felt there was no need for it. The Native Americans were the most disadvantaged minority, but their formation of AIM was a success in itself, and they still to this day fight to try and regained their lost balance of life. Economically the USA has prospered, but not all parties in the USA have taken their share of prosperity. There is an increasing underclass, stuck in a vicious circle, with no education, therefore no employment, and no employment, therefore no money. This still mainly made up of black Americans living in the slums and ghettoes of modern day America. Also up to the 1970's black Americans and women were discriminated against in the workplace, and their chances of getting jobs were minimal. Many different cultures exist in the USA, mainly because of the largely immigrant population. This brings a lot of different cultures into the mainstream, creating such phenomenon as hippies. These people follow strange religions and practises, completely ignoring the age-old idea of civilisation and ‘pop' culture. The government liked to think of things the ‘American way', a father coming home from work to his wife who has baked him and his children an apple pie, but in most cases this almost ceased to exist, swamped by the counter-culture of drugs and outlandish clothes. Overall I think that the USA was a greatly divided union in the decades from 1941-1980, and that this was destined to be in a new land full of immigrants from different societies, races and creeds.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning

How is the use of reasoning into the framework of my thesis research plan? Answer . a. Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning Before directly answering the questions above, I'll describe a little understanding of philosophical reasoning itself. According JuJunSuriasumantri, Reasoning is a thinking process in drawing a conclusion in the form of knowledge. So reasoning is the thinking process started from empirical observation that produces a number of concepts and understanding. As an activity of thinking reasoning has certain haracteristics.The first feature is a logical thought process, which is defined as logical thinking activities according to certain patterns or in other words according to certain logic. The second characteristic is the nature of the analytical thinking process. Analytic properties are the consequence of the existence of a certain thought pattern. The analysis is essentially an activity of thinking based on certain measures. Also according to JintutNocturna, the characteristics of reasoning that is thorough, fundamental, and speculative. The nature of its thinking is comprehensive.A philosopher does not know the content of science is only from the perspective of science itself, but they wanted to see the nature of science in the perspective of others. They wanted to connect science with other aspects. They wanted to know the relation of science to morals and regard science with religion. They wanted to believe what science knows that can bring benefit or not. That is the idea that broad because it does not have limit itself and not Just in terms of one particular viewpoint. Thought philosophical want to know the relationship between sciences with others science, relationships between moral cience, art and life goals.The nature of its thinking is fundamental. A philosopher does not believe it the truth the knowledge gained. They were always in doubt and questioning: Why science can be called the true? How the assessment process based on these criteria is? Is the criterion true? Then what is its own right? Like a circle and any questions always arise continuously. That is, thinking until the results of a fundamental or essential objectscan be learned for all the rationale and scientific value. So, do not Just stop at peripheries(skin), but penetrating into its depths. The ature of its thinking is speculative.Philosophers speculate on the truth. Speculative nature of it, is also a philosopher continue to test and then gave birth to a knowledge and can answer the question of the validity of the trust. Based on the characteristics is an activity that uses the potential for the widest possible sense and freely without being limited by anything radically, systematically, universal and comprehensive as well as speculative and fundamental in revealing the nature of a truth. It is the ideas obtained and provide a basis for further thinking. The results of its thought were lways intended as a basis for exploring a new area of knowledge.Based on characteristics of the philosophy of the above , it can be concluded that philosophy is an activity that uses the broadest reasonable potential and freely without being restricted by anything radically,sistematic universal , comprehensive and non- speculative and fundamental in nature reveals the truth . That is, the ideas that come form the basis for further thoughts . The results of his thought was always intended as a basis for exploring new areas of knowledge. In the preparation of the thesis , ust be based on scientific studies that can be proven.Scientific knowledge is based A. Ontology Ontology is a branch of philosophy that talks about that there . In terms of science , the foundation of ontology questioned about objects that can be studied by science , what its essential form , and how it relates to human perception such as thinking , feeling , and clicking sense led to knowledge. Ontology is the study of objects that are not visible on one particular embodiment , which discusses that there are universal , that is trying to find a core that is loaded every fact which encompasses all of reality n all its forms .The existence of all things is an aspect of reality that transcends all differences between the objects and living beings , between the types and individuals . Of the discussion raises some views that are grouped into multiple streams of thought namely Materialism Flow is said that the essence of everything that exists is matter . Something there ( le material ) may only born there. Idealism(spiritualism) This stream replied weaknesses of materialism , which says that it is precisely the nature of spiritual beings (spiritual ) . Is the idea that spiritual world is more real han the material .Dualism The flow of material and wanted to unite the ideas , which argues that the essence of beings ( the fact ) in this universe is composed of two sources , namely the material and the spiritual Agnosticism This flow is the opinion o f the philosophers who take a skeptical attitude , which is free of any answers that may be true and it may not. B. Epistemology Object study epistemology is questioning how something is coming and how to find out, how to differentiate with others . So with regard to the circumstances of time and space about something .Epistemological foundation is what allows the process of getting knowledge of logic , ethics , aesthetics , and the procedure how to obtain scientific truth , moral goodness and beauty of art , and what is the definition . Examines moral epistemology about the epistemic evaluation of moral Judgment and moral theories. In epistemology appears multiple streams of thought,namely : Meaningful experience ( emperies ) , where human knowledge acquired from sensory experience . Rationalism Without denying the huge benefits of sensory experiences in human life , but the erception of the senses is only used to stimulate the intellect .So the sense is above the sensory experienc e and emphasize the deductive method. Positivism A synthesis of empiricism and rationalism . By taking the point of departure from empiricism , but have sharpened the experiment , which is able to objectively determine the validity and reliability of knowledge . Intuitionism Intuition is not the same as feeling , however, is the result of understanding the evolution of high that only human . The ability to understand the full truth , which is fixed and unique . C. Axiology Axiology is the philosophical value . This aspect is related to the value of the (1 ) good and bad , and (2) beautiful and ugly .The first category of category : value under the study of philosophy called ethics or behavior , while the second category is the object of the study of philosophy or aesthetic beauty. Ethics also called moral philosophy ethics ( moral philosophy) , which comes from the word ethos ( Greek ) which means character . Moral derived from the word mos or mores ( Latin ) which means habit . In the Indonesian term is defined moral or ethical decency . Material object of ethics is human behavior or actions , being the object of a formal ethics is good or bad , moral or immoral. Human morality is the object of study ethic that has aged very long .Since human society is formed , which is in accordance with the behavioral issues of morality have been discussed . Associated with it , then came two theories that explain how a behavior that can be measured ethically . The theory in question is Deontological and Theological . a. Deontological . Deontological theories inspired by the thought of Immanuel Kant , who seem rigid , onservative and preserve the status quo , which states that the merits of a behavior is assessed in terms of the act itself , and not the result . A good behavior if that behavior fit the existing norms . b.Theological Theological theory more emphasizing results . A piece of good behavior if the behavior is much more profitable than harm , where gains and los ses are seen from the indicators of human interest . This theory raises two views , namely egoism and utilitarianism ( utilisme ) . People who teach is Jeremy Bentham (1742 – 1832) , which is then corrected by John Stuart Mill ( 1806-1873 ) . ?Aesthetics Aesthetics are also called beauty philosophy ( philosophy of beauty) , which is derived from the word aisthetika or aisthesis ( Greek ) which means that the things that can be perceived by the senses or sensory perception .Discuss aesthetic issues related to critical reflection on values over something called Indak or not beautiful . On the way from the era of ancient Greek philosophy until now appears the question of aesthetics , namely : what is the question that beauty , the beauty that is both objective and subjective , the beauty of the size , the role of beauty in human life and he beauty of the relationship with the truth .So the question was being debated attractive especially if it is associated with religion and the values of decency , because they never reach completion. b. How to Use On Such reasoning In My Thesis Research Plan? From the description of the reasoning characteristics above can be described that in scientific research on my thesis should refer to the three scientific studies that can be proved. Scientific knowledge based on ontology, Epistemology and Axiology.In this case I plan on studying†The Use of Portfolio Assessment in English Language Course of Samarinda Polytechnic Students† In this case, first of all I relate my research to the study of ontology in relation to science, the foundation of ontology questioned about the objects studied by science, how is the essential form, and how it relates to human perception in the form of thinking, feeling, and senses that produce the knowledge.Here, I will review first the definition of the assessment itself, including the types of assessment that exist in the world of education, then I describe of these species leads to the portfolio assessment and its definition. After that I gave evidence o the theory of portfolio assessment that has been around for examples of this include also the terms of portfolio assessment itself. After reviewing the terms of ontology, I will review my research in terms of epistemology.ObJect of the study in epistemology is questioning how something is coming and how to find out, how to distinguish with the other. So this part will deal with regard to the circumstances of space and time about something. The cornerstone of epistemology is what is the process to get the knowledge by logic, ethics, aesthetics, and the procedure and how o obtain scientific truth, moral goodness also beauty of art, and what the definition. Epistemic moral of epistemology examines the evaluation of moral judgments andmoral theories.From the foundation of epistemology above, I can describe my research on these processes in which this study took place during the assessment was given in one semester and then the results are measured from the students who follow courses in English. From the view of epistemology, my scientific research shows how the sequence of events and portfolio assessment process was ut in place, and inside there are also barriers faced by faculty and students in the provision of portfolio assessment and also the excess deficiency.Assessment indicators are also included in the review epistemology which I will discuss in my research. The third study that will be entered in my thesis that scientific research based on the view of Axiology. Axiology is the philosophical value. Aspects of this value is related to the following categories: (1) good and bad, and (2) beautiful and ugly. The first category of value under the study of philosophy called ethics or ehavior, while the second category is an object of the study of philosophy or aesthetic beauty.In relation to my thesis of scientific research, which involves study of axiology or the value of research results to the people, in this case the use of portfolios can provide benefits and can be used in the assessing of English language and be reviewed again if it can increase the score of the English language Samarinda Polytechnic Students. In addition, my research is certainly has the weaknesses that can be added to further research in subsequent studies, so that the value and enefits of this research is philosophically continues to grow and not static at one JuJun S, Suriasumantri, Filsafat Ilmu, Sebuah Pengantar Populer.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Unified standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Unified standards - Essay Example System wide rules imply standards imposed across the entire enterprise. In view of the fact that the classical IS function has been decentralized to accommodate distributed systems, assess who should be in charge of developing and enforcing such broad standards.First of all, I want to mention that the unified standards are essential for any kind of information systems. Standards provide external interfaces for the distributed systems so they can connect to other information systems, perform data exchange and provide necessary feedback, for example in case of failure.As its website says, ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer of standards. Although ISO's principal activity is the development of technical standards, ISO standards also have important economic and social repercussions. ISO standards make a positive difference, not just to engineers and manufacturers for whom they solve basic problems in production and distribution, but to so ciety as a whole.The International Standards which ISO develops are useful to industrial and business organizations of all types, to governments and other regulatory bodies, to trade officials, to conformity assessment professionals, to suppliers and customers of products and services in both public and private sectors, and, ultimately, to people in general in their roles as consumers and end users.ISO standards contribute to making the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and cleaner.... u (1998, para.3) writes in Netsurfer Focus, "The only safe computer is a dead computer." But of course there are some steps to protect data and computers of company's information system. As Yoo (n.d.) writes, all systems consist of three components, the software and hardware parts, the people, and the procedures. The same is true of computer and network systems. Securing computer system means security of the software and hardware, trustworthiness of the people who use and manage it, and reliability of the procedures for using and managing the system. In this issue, most companies are mainly focus on secure software and system management practices. But for complete evaluation of the security of networked system the other components should be considered. Firstly, employees of the company must be aware of the risk of sharing passwords or the use of simple dictionary-based passwords and of the implications of opening questionable programs or attachments in their e-mail that may contain extremely dangerous viruses. Secondly, level of risk should be evaluated. Network administrators are not security professionals, and therefore their primary mission is not establishing a secure network, but rather a functional one. What must be evaluated is how much risk is acceptable, and therefore what level of functionality will be sacrificed to ensure a reasonably secure network with an acceptable level of risk. Thirdly, information systems and networks must be designed and implemented to establish a strong foundation and architecture to incorporate security. The identification of access points into a network and establishing the appropriate access controls such as firewalls and monitoring solutions is necessary. Also, updating and patching software is essential to prevent known

Sunday, July 28, 2019

David Bech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

David Bech - Essay Example The Latte Factor is a term to emphasize the non-necessity spending we do such as getting latte everyday which are simple things we spend on without thinking if we really need them (Bach, D., 2003). Chapter 3 centers on welcoming the idea of paying yourself first. â€Å"Paying Yourself† means setting aside a certain amount from one’s paycheck and putting it in one’s savings before one busies themselves with paying bills. This kind of habit will train someone to prioritize savings first and adjust one’s lifestyle accordingly (Bach, D., 2003). In line with the last chapter, this chapter makes sure it happens. Making sure you regularly deposit on your savings, has a lot to do with making things automatic such as directly making your company deposit a certain amount of your paycheck to your savings account. With this, your savings will never be sacrificed (Bach, D., 2003). This Chapter teaches us to be financially prepared for emergency spending. Just like we would automatically deposit on our savings account, one should also allot money for the rainy days through opening a rainy day fund and/or investing money where it surely will grow (Bach, D., 2003). This chapter impresses on the need to stop renting a home and take the plunge to buy one. This might be overwhelming but in doing the math, buying a house does not only lessen your spending in the long run but also increase your financial leverage and value (Bach, D., 2003). Get rid of your credit card. This chapter suggests doing this to start an automatic debt-free lifestyle. The rule of thumb in spending is if you cannot pay it in cash, you cannot afford it (Bach, D., 2003). This chapter teaches us that there is more to life than money. We should put high value of which not only with regards to what we can get from it, but rather what difference our money could do to help change the world for the better (Bach, D.,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Comparative and contrast between The United State Of America and Essay

Comparative and contrast between The United State Of America and Australia - Essay Example This relative isolation allowed both nations to develop largely without constant interference from the established powers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Being left to sort out their own problems has led to an isolationist mindset for many Australians and Americans. It has also given both nations a strong feeling of independence and self-sufficiency. These ideals can be seen glamorized by stereotypes such as John Wayne and Crocodile Dundee in the American and Australian cinema. While these characters are stereotypes, they do give insight into virtues both Australians and Americans value, namely, toughness, resiliency and independence. While geography can influence the character of a group of people, other things such as the history and the development of a national identity can be even greater determinants of character. This is one area where Americans and Australians differ greatly. Both were established as colonies by the United Kingdom. This gave them both their individual versions of the English language complete with accents. But that is where the similarities end. America’s impressive string of global achievements has caused Americans to be a very patriotic people. Symbols of the United States, such as the national flag, are very important and are treated with respect. Americans are very proud of their accomplishments as a nation and expect others to respect America as well . Australia, on the other hand, has less of a national fervor concerning patriotism Australians never moved inland from their coastal cities. Therefore, they view themselves more as individual regions than as a nation. Recent clai ms have been made that Australians are increasingly viewing themselves as patriotic, but in a very different way than Americans exhibit their patriotism. A final similarity and difference between the two nations is their governmental and economic structures. Both Americans and Australians live in free democratic

Friday, July 26, 2019

The man they called Mahatma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The man they called Mahatma - Essay Example The class teacher seeing this asked Mohandas to copy from his neighbour's slate. Mohandas refused and was rebuked by the teacher for his attitude. Mohandas married Kasturbai at the young age of thirteen, a marriage that lasted for sixty-two years. Mohandas set sail for England from Bombay on September 4th 1888 and enrolled for studies in law at Inner Temple Inns of Court. He was called to the bar on June 10th 1890, and set sail for India on 12th of June. From a barrister-at-law to a Mahatma, a leader of millions of Indians was a transformation unparalleled in history. On return to India, Mohandas had an uneventful and mediocre practice that lasted two years. Fallout with a British Political Agent had made Mohandas view things differently. He wanted to leave India. Opportunity came to him in the form of a business firm in Porbandar that wanted him to represent them in South Africa. Gandhi's experience in South Africa transformed him and he came back a different man and went on to become the man they called Mahatma. After landing in Durban, Natal, the lawsuit required Mohandas Gandhi to travel to Pretoria. He was given a first class ticket for the travel. During the overnight journey at a place called Maritzburg, Gandhi was manhandled and removed from the train. South Africa was at that time under Apartheid. On that bitter night at Maritzburg the germ of social protest was born in Mohandas Gandhi1. It dawned on Gandhi that he as an individual should fight for his rights against adversities and that through his actions; others will follow and win freedom. In 1901 when Gandhi decided to return to India, the Indian community got together and honored him and his family with a party. The congregation showered Gandhi and his family with gold, silver and diamonds for their contribution to confront the white minority government on their behalf. Gandhi had earlier received gifts in 1896, but they were inconsequential and Gandhi took them out of kindness. This time around the gifts were very precious and this began to haunt Gandhi. He was torn between the yearning for financial freedom and worldly freedom2. He decided to do away with the worldly pleasures and gifted the precious metals for community service, and he followed the same principle when leading a simple life in India. The pledge at the Imperial Theatre in Johannesburg on September 11th 1906 was a critical date in Gandhi's life. This day, Gandhi pledged before God not to obey the proposed anti-Indian ordinance if it became law3 thus was born "Satyagraha", Satya for truth, and agraha for firmness or force. Gandhi followed this path in his disobedience movement act against the British later in India. The Satyagraha was "the vindication of truth not by infliction of suffering on the opponent but on one's self"4 The Salt Satyagraha, also known as the Dandi March on March 12th 1930, is an event that shook the entire British Empire. Gandhi and 78 volunteers walked from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi defying the orders of the British Government to pay tax on salt that was easily available from the sea. They walked 241 miles to reach Dandi to produce salt on their own. Analysis Though Gandhi was an unsuccessful lawyer, destiny had other things in store for him. A business firm offered to send Gandhi as their legal advisor to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Introduction to Psychology ( Discuss Quesition ) Essay

Introduction to Psychology ( Discuss Quesition ) - Essay Example Many crucial links are available to determine which type of personality a person chooses to have. Generally, the demarcations between and extrovert and an introvert are established through many factors like the overall levels of energy available and can also be attributed to certain physiological differences in the brain. Apart from that, the surrounding environment and the nature of the parental brought up also decides the levels of sociability of an individual in life. People choose to stay in battering situation when they are either scared of the offender or believe that the batterer is actually correct and knows what they are doing. Financial dependency, social norms, emotional voids, religious and cultural obligations, loneliness, etc are some of the reasons that draw people into the ‘Stockholm’ or the ‘Hostage’ syndrome. A general sense of fear, the presence of unreasonable false gratitude accompanied with a total lack of awareness that help is available are some of the other reasons that explain this. Therefore, a personality flaw, as a defense mechanism, develops more often than not as a result of holding on to the batterer and continuously suffering and may not be the principal cause of staying in a battering relationship. Learned helplessness increases the probability of a person staying in a battering relationship, as the person involved is already predisposed towards a feeling of utter helplessness and

Compare & Contrast Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm Cinderella, Ever After and Essay

Compare & Contrast Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm Cinderella, Ever After and Disney's Cinderella - Essay Example The Brothers Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm, were the first to put the age-old story of a poor little princess turned pauper turned princess to paper as a means of preserving the rich oral history of their German homeland in the early 1800s. Because their original intention was not to write children’s stories, but to preserve folktales, there remain traces within Cinderella that hint of a darker past. Also, because the story was written during a time of strong Christian morality, the stories contain a blatant religious overtone – including the beginning when Cinderella is told by her dying mother that her responsibility in life is to â€Å"be good and pious.† The step-sisters in this version are beautiful to look upon, but the brothers describe them as â€Å"vile and black of heart.† In portraying Cinderella, the Grimm brothers go into great detail regarding Cinderella’s grief over the loss of her mother and include a magical hazel tree in which a white b ird perches and delivers to Cinderella any of the wishes she expresses. It was with the help of the little bird in the hazel tree that Cinderella was able to be outfitted properly for the first of a three day festival and dance. In this case, she was forced to leave the dance three times, once by jumping through a pigeon house, once by climbing a tree and the third time, she finally left behind a golden, rather than a glass, slipper. The prince twice picked up the wrong sister to be his bride after they each had mutilated their own foot in order to fit into the slipper, but the bird at the grave continued to warn him. On her wedding day, the two false sisters were punished by the birds by having their eyes plucked out one at a time, suffering blindness forever afterward. This is a gruesome tale compared to that presented by Walt Disney in 1950. Here the step-sisters have become as unfortunate-looking as they are in spirit, both mean and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Ineffective Approach in Medicare Reimbursement Essay

The Ineffective Approach in Medicare Reimbursement - Essay Example On the other hand, the support on setting the Medicare reimbursement is that, there is no one general approach in which the most effective amount will be arrived at. In addition, the set guidelines and rules for Medicare reimbursement lack a proper structure making the approach more challenging to the practitioners. Nevertheless, the failure to involve the health practitioners, especially advanced nursing practitioners in management, effectively makes the approach ineffective. Therefore, their involvement is crucial to ensure an approach that suits the needs of all the stakeholders and making it responsive to the needs of both the patients and the healthcare providers. In addition, government intervention by creating proper legal guidelines is crucial to ensure that the approach meets the required needs. Keywords: reimbursement, Medicare, Medicaid The ineffective approach in Medicare Reimbursement Introduction Wong (1999) noted that, the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 provided the reimb ursement of APNs for the services they provided in any given setting at a fraction of the physicians fee. Nevertheless, a long process requiring meeting specific guidelines and documentation makes the process of reimbursing APNs hectic and confusing. In this case, the new era of providing medical care should be devoid of the factors that do not in any way help in simplifying the process of reimbursement. Background Reinhardt (2003) identifies the Medicare reimbursement system in the country as a large one and much more centralized than in other countries. Moreover, the inflexible nature of the system does not offer any assistance but only helps make the issue much more complex for advanced practice nurses in management. In this case, this makes the system fail to respond to the local markets conditions, patients’ requirements, and more significantly to nursing care providers’ needs and requirements. Moreover, the unresponsive nature of Medicare is made worse by the rul es and guidelines that groups of actors manipulate easily to meet their specific needs. Cohen and Spector (1996) noted that, the annual threat in a considerable cut in Medicare reimbursements often lead to speculation that hospitals will have a limit on the number of Medicare patients they admitted and treated. In effect, advanced nurses in charge of management faced a dilemma whether to admit these patients due to the cut in Medicare considering that the reimbursement formula to determine how much payment a hospital gets is determined by a particular number of cost-related factors and in particular the geographical location and inflationary rates. Position It is my position, as a nurse with advanced preparation in management, that the current Medicare reimbursement system is complex in its effort to offering quality care to the country’s population. In this case, the structure, rules, and guidelines on the reimbursement policy fails to capture the opinions of nursing practit ioners on how best to structure the reimbursement policy. On the other hand, the structure of obtaining the reimbursement amount in terms of cost-related measures such as geographical location and inflation makes the policy on reimbursement appear unfair to some states and nurses practitioners while others benefit. In fact, this makes the policy more complex and puts management at an awkward position in terms of implementation of their policies.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Should I study accounting (I will say agree and should give reason.) Essay

Should I study accounting (I will say agree and should give reason.) - Essay Example Here the word value means in the monetary terms and also in the behavioral terms. An accountant is a respected person in all the businesses and the organizations. Many authors have listed several reason and advantages to study accountancy as the major subject. The future of an accountant is always secure regarding economic and monetary terms and conditions. The on-job promotions always give an open opportunity for growth and development of any individual and for an accountant there is a variety of promotions during their job trainings. The accountant may be offered a handsome salary package just because of his major studies and the skills and abilities, which he may possess after completing the accounting major. As I am interested in doing my own business, accountancy will also help me regarding all the techniques of the installing and then running any business. Accountancy major actually teaches the tips and tricks to handle or to govern the business in a proper and true direction, hence I chose accounting as my major. Firstly, I want to say that accounting is a field having a wide scope in many areas of the life or in professional terms we can say in many businesses accounting can be compensated. I am completely satisfied with accounting field and want to continue with it. There are many reasons behind my decision regarding the selection of accounting subject as my major. I am very easy at playing with numbers. From my early educational life, I am always attracted towards mathematical subjects and or we can say numbers and counting. Due to my interest and affiliation with the subject, I decided to take accounting as my major subject. Now at this point of time in my educational career, I must appreciate my decision of taking accounting as a major. This profession does not limit a person to a single line of business but has its roots to the personal finance management as well (Chavez 1981). Another reason for the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Plato, the father of philosophy, was a rationalist. He was the first systematic metaphysician and epistemologist. He believed that we had innate knowledge; a priori. So to him learning was only a matter of remembering. Plato believed that the â€Å"ideal† world existed beyond our own physical earth because according to him realty could not be changing or imperfect. From his point of view what we see are only the particulars, the mimics of the real thing, therefore, we have to pull back from the world of peculiars and search in our own minds. Things like justice or moral virtues do not exist in this world in a proper form. In Crito Meno we can clearly see these ideas. The essential argument in Crito is ‘The Many vs. The One’. Socrates says â€Å"We should’t care all that much about what the populace will say of us, but about what the expert on matters justice and injustice will say, the individual authority, or Truth. † With this phrase he is saying that we should never pay attention to the opinion of the many but always find the one who knows because that is the only person whose opinion is valuable. And later on he goes on to say that if it is never good to do injustice then it is also wrong to do injustice in response to injustice which is why he refuses to escape. In Meno we get more in depth into the idea of inborn knowledge. Meno starts with the question ‘What is Virtue? ’ but Meno always answers the question by giving examples of virtue instead of defining the word and going to the roots of what all those virtues have in common. Down in the world of particulars there are many kinds of virtues for example for the male it’s to run the state, female it’s to run the household but what is important, essential is the traits they both have in common; temperance and justice. Socrates uses the dialectical method in order to get answers out of Meno and also clearly demonstrates this method on a slave of Meno to prove his theory about innate knowledge. Even though it can always be used, using the dialectical method is specifically significant when a person believes that we have innate knowledge, because if what we call learning is just remembering then teaching is just pulling out that knowledge, giving opportunities for that innate knowledge to spring forth. Aristotle on the other hand was an empiricist. He believed that we â€Å"learned† through our senses, by gathering knowledge from the world around us; â€Å"a posteriori†. By reading ‘On the soul’ and ‘Metaphysics’ we get a clear sense of Aristotle’s epistemology. Aristotle encourages embracing the particular in order to possibly gain a sense of the universal. According to Aristotle forms are the essence and when we combine form and matter we get human. The reading ‘On the Soul’ discusses that the body and the soul is not one, that sight allows us to absorb the world in very abstract ways and that memory is learning. In the reading ‘Metaphysics’ Aristotle sets forth causes for the explanation of change: Substance (essence), Matter (or substratum), Source of change and the cause opposed to this. Plato and Aristotle both believed in a universal purpose but the ways in which they got to these universal purposes were very different. Plato was an idealist, he despised the physical whereas Aristotle was a scientist, he loved facts and commonsense. Aristotle would argue that we gain knowledge after experience (a posteriori) but Plato would certainly disagree and say that we gain knowledge before experience (a priori). Plato believes that there is a world of ideas where ideas exist perfectly, the objects in our world are just mimics whereas Aristotle says that the ideas we perceive are inside the particular object. By saying that matter and form combined is what makes an individual Aristotle brings Plato’s Forms â€Å"down from the heavens to concrete reality. †

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Significance Of The Masdar City Project Environmental Sciences Essay

Significance Of The Masdar City Project Environmental Sciences Essay Masdar is a project developed in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates. The core of Masdar is a well-planned city. It is constructed by the construction builder Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, which is a branch of the Mubadala Development Company. The major part of capital finance is given by the government of Abu Dhabi. The project is designed and planned by the Foster and its Partners, which is British architectural firm. Masdar city will sustain completely on sources of renewable sources for example, solar energy and various other resources which has a sustainable, zero-waste and zero-carbon ecology. The city is stretches about 17  kilometres (11 miles) in the east-south-east of Abu Dhabi, alongside Abu Dhabi International Airport. It would be the host for the headquarters of the (IRENA) International Renewable Energy Agency. Masdar has faith in capability of humankind for development of cheaper, cleaner, and efficient sources of energies for usage in order to overpower the climatic and environmental changes in a responsible and effective manner. It was established in April of 2006 as Masdar, the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, a multifarious organization making development towards the commercialization and full functioning deployment of all possible renewable energy and providing solutions regarding cleaner ecological technologies. It combines the idea of the full renewable sources of energy with a clean technology lifecycle taking it from research point of view to the level of commercial deployment trying to fulfill the ultimate objective of developing a scalable and clean technology of renewable sources of energy. (Masdar Carbon, 2010) Importance of topic: Masdar City Project will not utilize any zero gas or oil resources. Hence it can be said that contribution to causing greenhouse gases would be minimal. Masdar is the central piece of Emirates and Abu Dhabis plans of having a market for renewable energy sources, a measure against the time when the oil wells and resources situated there run dry. An animated depiction of the design shows narrow streets covered with buildings which are modern still capture the essence of an ancient city of Arab. It appears that making plans identical to those of historic designs of ancient times will help designers reach their aim of energy goals they wish to accomplish. Recycling Water The city planners say that 80% of water used in city would be recycled. This needs a change of thinking. According to Peter Sharratt, who is working with WSP a British energy consulting firm, they normally have a linear process. They take in water through the taps, use it. And then it further goes down straight in the drain. In this way it gets to be used once only. But the design of Masdar City would be reusing water for as many times as it is possible. For example, one of the ideas involves capture of the leftover of water of crops which is known as irrigation recovery. The method works like as follows: After irrigation of crops water goes down through the top 2 or 3 feet layers of soil and then meets plants requirements and underground water collection system recovers whatever amount of water is left. This water can then be used for irrigation again on some another occasion or redirected for another purpose. (Masdar Introduction, 2010) Emissions of gases Related to Construction The basic idea behind Masdar City is to construct a place where is no carbon footprint. Owing to the fact a lot of construction site equipment use gas, it can be said that some carbon dioxide would be released into the atmosphere while construction, which will result in having an adverse effect on eco system. This can be an offset putting extra solar energy or by growing trees or back into national power grid of Abu Dhabi. But evaluation of a carbon footprint is more complicated than this according to Liz Darley. She works with Bioregional, the British firm which will be assessing Masdar Citys carbon footprint calculations. She further added that what they are planning to do is deciding where to draw lines for the boundary which in itself is a complex job as it could include the entire expenditure of carbon even when the project team is travelling between Europe and Middle East. Hence it is very tough to estimate the overall carbon cost incurred on building the Masdar city as it will depend upon where you will draw you boundaries. (Palca, 2008) A Goal to Curb Energy Use One of the major goals of Masdar City plan would be to become the first city where emission of carbon is zero. Shaded walks and narrow streets would be helpful in reducing the need of air conditioning. The city will be oriented northeast direction to minimize and reduce the amount of sunlight directed on buildings windows and sides. Solar collectors and solar panels on the roofs and at remaining places would be helpful in generation of sufficient electricity in order to fulfill the requirement of Masdar City. Another aim of Masdar City is to prohibit cars in the city. But city is not small enough for its inhabitants to cover by walking. Hence designers are planning for a system called a (PRT) personal rapid transit system. According to Scott McGuigan of the CH2M Hill, it is really a car. It can be seen as a simple vehicle for six passengers. It is designed in shape of a car, but is powered by solar energy and with batteries. These cars powered by solar power would be running under th e city just in ways like a subway system. But these cars would not run on fixed roads and routes, rather they can be taken anywhere a passenger wishes to go. He further adds that PRTs show an energy-efficient manner of moving around people among 1,500 stations approximately. The passenger can program the station they wish to go and the vehicle will transport them to that station. Handling of Waste Management One of the major aims Masdar City is going to deal with is to become the first city to manage waste in such a manner that waste is converted into energy and is possibly reduced to zero. In real facts, waste could be reduced to be very close to zero, as some material cannot be transformed to energy or be recycled. But as far as human waste is concerned, it would all be repurposed. The nutrients would be recovered and then used to generate soil which can be further used as component of the requirement of landscaping. The part of the sewer sludge would again be processed in waste-to-power plan. This plan to recycle or reuse as much as it is possible would permeate the strategy. According to Mc Guigan, they are constantly in search for materials which can be reused or recycled. He further added that they are looking at recyclable plastic so as to use to it for construction of site fencing. Later on that fencing could be sold to the manufacturer and be again recycled for reselling it agai n. So it has a purpose at the end. Designers are even beginning to plan, how could the concrete, used for building Masdar City, be recycled so as to reuse it the for purposes such as construction of road when the city is torn down. (Masdar Carbon, 2010) Achieving the Reality According to some skeptics reducing total carbon contents and footprints to zero would not be easily possible. They also say that Masdar will not cover the huge amount of guzzling gas of the United Arab Emirates. Khaled Awad, person in charge for making the plans into a real city say he has heard such people but is sure of its success. But he invited the suggestions on how to improve the City and what can be done. He also explained saying that they are serious about the city and its aspirations and are putting lots of resources to build it correctly and make it right. He expects it to be an ideal place at a meaningful scale. The intended plan is also to complete the Masdar City in a record time. Literature Review: The Masdar City project is being steered by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (ADFEC). It was started in 2006 and the project was estimated to cost about US$ 22 billion and expected to take about 8 years to complete construction. The first phase of building was scheduled to be completed and would be habitable by 2009. Due to the effect of the economic crisis, now the Phase 1 of the Masdar City would be finished by 2015 and the completion of whole complex by 2020-2025. The estimated cost of complex has been reduced by 10 to 15 percent, hence the complete development cost ranging from US$18.7 and 19.8 billion. Masdar city is projected to cover an area of six  square kilometers (2.3 sq  miles) and would provide residency to about 45,000 to 50,000 people and home to 1,500 businesses, majorly manufacturing and commercial facilities having expertise in the environment friendly and eco-friendly products, and an expected to have around 60,000 workers. It would also be having university , (MIST) Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, which would be helped by (MIT) Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Automobiles and vehicles would be prohibited within the city. Transportation would be carried out with the help of personal rapid transit and public mass transit systems with the already existing railways and roads providing connection to outside. As there are no vehicles and automobiles inside the Masdars perimeter wall, it is planned such as to prevent the hot desert air to enter the complex along with shaded and narrow streets allows suitable condition funnel cooler breezes across the Masdar City. (Palca, 2008) Masdar City is thought to be the most advanced technology among the small number of well and highly planned, technology-intensive research specialized municipalities that also assimilate a living hospitable environment as those of Tsukuba Science City, Japan or Novosibirk, Russia. (Masdar Carbon, 2010) Masdar Clean Tech Fund is a diversified vehicle of $250 million venture capital. It used to create a portfolio of joint venture investments, clean technology funds and direct co-investments. Others partners of Clean Tech Fund include Siemens Venture Capital, Credit Suisse and Consensus Business Group. CH2M HILL is the company responsible for constructing the first phase of the project. Construction of infrastructure of the city is being managed by Al Jaber Group. The central headquarters of Masdar City are being by Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture. As pointed out earlier, the Fund is having commitments with the from the following organizations: (i) Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (ADFEC), (ii) Credit Suisse (CS), (iii) Consensus Business Group (CBG) and (iv) Siemens AG. (Masdar Introduction, 2010) It is expected to develop a portfolio of investments in funds and having a commitment of around $60 million to 3-5 fund managers. Rest of the Fund capital would be invested in co-investments beside fund managers and in the direct investments by companies which are being sourced by the Fund. The Fund would invest in organizations that have technologies which are favorable for commercialization in U.A.E. Credit Suisse, one of the leading organizations for managers of co-investments and private equity fund of funds and also the General Partners will handle the Fund along with its partners. The Fund will take to advantage Credit Suisses and its partners expertise on investment along with Credit Suisses vast investment banking and private equity platform for sourcing, adding value and selecting investment opportunities in favors of the Fund. Moreover, the Fund will also take an initiative towards Abu Dhabis larger alternative energy resource, also known as the Masdar initiative which was started in March 2006. The Masdar initiative is response of Abu Dhabi to the global requirement of conservation of diminishing resources and the need of alternative energy sectors. It is planned to make sure that in the long-term Abu Dhabi retains its energy resources and flourishes even more, and also maintains its share in the global energy market. The main focus of the Fund would be on the commercialization and development of technologies involving renewable energy, their energy efficiency, management of carbon and its monetization, desalination and usage of water. It is the hope of the government of U.A.E. that Masdar initiative and other governmental organizations should be used to support portfolio managers, joint venture participants and companies of Fund and participants who are wish for the commercialization of products in the UAE. (Masdar City, 2010) Conclusion and Recommendation: Masdar City is going to deal with is to become the first city to manage waste in such a manner that waste is converted into energy and is possibly reduced to zero. In real facts, waste could be reduced to be very close to zero, as some material cannot be transformed to energy or be recycled. According to some skeptics reducing total carbon contents and footprints to zero would not be easily possible. It is very tough to estimate the overall carbon cost incurred on building the Masdar city as it will depend upon where you will draw you boundaries. Despite all the speculation being, it could be said that all these are worth a try so as to conserve the ecological system. It can be seen as a an innovative effort making development towards the commercialization and full functioning deployment of all possible renewable energy and providing solutions regarding cleaner ecological technologies. It combines the idea of the full renewable sources of energy with a clean technology lifecycle taki ng it from research point of view to the level of commercial deployment trying to fulfill the ultimate objective of developing a scalable and clean technology of renewable sources of energy. The key recommendation for the city is to create awareness among the people towards the waste and carbon issue so that the project can figure out as a classical example of green energy and waste management using technology.

Gender differences in intelligence?

Gender differences in intelligence? Sex differences in intelligence have been a popular argument for generations. Francis Galton had little doubt that men were more intelligent than women (Mackintosh, 2000, p. 182), whereas Cyril Burt and Louis Terman agree that this should be as straightforward as any concept, and can be answered through empirical evidence. In general intelligence, the findings of various studies have arrived at similar conclusions of either no difference, or men having a slightly higher IQ than women. In specific intelligence, men excel at spatial ability whereas women perform better at verbal tasks. (Lynn, 2005) The major inconsistencies of findings throughout studies have led to the critical analysis of intelligence tests. Implications of these findings will centre on employment and education opportunities, as well as criticisms of methods used leading to suggestions of how intelligence should be measured in the future. According to Maltby, Day and Macaskill (2007, p. 258), Sir Francis Galton is the forefather of intelligence tests. He made the first attempt to study sex differences in intelligence directly. He hypothesised that sex differences do exist between males and females. Alfred Binet created the first intelligence test for children called the Binet-Simon scale, which could determine the childs mental age. Charles Spearman aimed to test an individuals general intelligence. He was interested in relationships between subtests and found that if an individual scored highly in one subtest, they were likely to score highly in others. He found that these subtests correlated positively with each other. Through these findings Spearman developed his two factor theory. Specific intelligence refers to each type of intelligence that is used for a specific kind of task, such as verbal or spatial intelligence. General intelligence refers to the intelligence that is required to perform on all types of intelligence tests. In 1938, John Carlyle Raven published his Ravens Progressive Matrices, which were free from cultural influences and did not depend of language capabilities In 1939, David Weschler developed the first intelligence test based on Spearmans two factor theory called the Wechsler-Bellevue test. This test concentrated on specific abilities and how they correlated with each other to form an overall measure of general intelligence. In 1955 Weschler introduced the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). These scales included a set of subtests to analyse specific intelligence. Lewis Terman (1916) studied almost 100 school children between the ages of four and sixteen using the Stanford-Binet test and found that the girls had slightly higher IQs. Charles Spearman (1927) found no sex difference in intelligence, as did Raymond Cattell. Raymond Cattell theorised the differences between fluid and crystallised intelligence, finding no difference on the two dimensions. Fluid intelligence is free of culture and is innate whereas crystallised intelligence is based on cultural experiences and acquired through learning. J.H Court (1983) conducted a meta-analysis of 120 studies on information provided on the Raven Progressive Matrices. He found mixed results with half of the studies finding no difference and the other half finding a slightly higher IQ in males. However, Court concluded that there were no differences. Jensen (1998) and Mackintosh (1998) found similar results with the only differences being very small with males having a slight advantage of one to two IQ points. Anderson (2004) reviewed literature on the Ravens Progressive Matrices and the Weschler intelligence test and concluded that they show no difference. Richard Lynn and Paul Irwing (2005) did a meta-analysis of 57 studies from 30 countries, covering 80,000 people who gave information on the Ravens Progressive Matrices. They found no sex differences among children up to the age of fifteen, which does not parallel with Termans findings. After the age of fifteen, males gradually scored higher IQ points than women, totalling up to five points when they reached adulthood. However, when looking at the effect sizes of Lynn and Irwings findings, the difference in IQ scores are not very significant. The effect size allow[s] us to determine the importance of the findings. (Maltby, 2007, p. 352) An effect size of .2 or below is considered as insignificant whereas an effect size of .8 represents a larger difference. Lynn and Irwings finding of males having a slightly higher IQ than females in between the ages of fifteen to nineteen had an effect size of .16, whereas males scoring five IQ points higher than women had an effect size of .2-.3, the refore this finding is not significant. Lynn and Irwings meta-analysis also showed that males scores had a larger variance than women. Irwing and Lynn report that there are twice as many men with IQ scores of 125 and 155, there were 5.5 men for every woman. (Maltby, 2007, p. 353) However, Terman (1916) and Herrnstein and Murray (1994) both disagree with these findings. They claimed that they found no difference in the variations of IQ scores. Although other studies that used the Weschler test agreed with Lynn and Irwing, showing that men had a variance of five percent larger than females. Even though it has been concluded that there is no significant difference between men and women in general intelligence, specific intelligence is another matter. The agreed hypothesis is that men and women differ on specific aspects of intelligence. Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Nagy Jacklin (1974) concluded that men perform better on tests of spatial ability and women, tests on verbal ability. M. C. Linn and A. C. Petersen (1985) found an effect size of .44 of males performing better on spatial perception. J. S. Hyde and M. C. Linn (1988) also found an effect size for -.33 of women performing better on speech production, which supports Maccoby and Jacklins conclusion. However, due to the small effect size of verbal abilities, Hyde and Linn believe that this is not significant enough to claim that the difference exists. When considering the validity and reliability of types of measurements, intelligence tests have been criticised. Maltby et al. (2007, p. 298) claims that intelligence is probably much more than what can be measured by intelligence tests; rather, [it is] the result of the individual engaging in a variety of skills and information within their cultural context. It would be a challenge to measure a concept such as this which is so dependent upon if the individual is truly willing to take part. Another difficulty is the dilemma of knowing the most reliable measurements. Measures of intelligence produce inconsistencies. Nybourg (2005) states that in half of various studies, there have been no difference found, whereas in the other half, males have a slightly higher IQ, averaging at 3.8. Jensen (1998) found that when certain subtests were eliminated from a study that favoured either sexes, the findings were very different, therefore the findings depend very much on which subtests are used. In conclusion to knowing the extent of sex differences in intelligence, due to Lynn and Irwings meta analysis; there is an insignificant amount of difference in general intelligence between males and females. However, when considering specific intelligence, many studies have shown that men clearly have a better spatial ability, whereas women perform better on verbal tasks. When including each of the specific abilities, they cancel each other out to reach a sum of no difference. Another fact to acknowledge is that male IQ has a much wider spread than females. Females have more of an average grouping of IQs whereas males reach wider ends of the spectrum, either reaching a score of 120 and being labelled as a genius, or scoring lower than 50 and being labelled as mentally challenged. The fact that males have such a large variance in their IQ scores has implications on how IQ should be measured. In the future, IQ should be measured by specific intelligence rather than general due to this large variance belonging to males. When looking at the implications for males and females in everyday life, these findings will have a big impact on education and employment opportunities. Leatta Hough (1992) found that intelligence effects various aspects in the work place such as competence and creativity. These aspects will affect future employment for the individual because of how their previous employers will reference them for their prospective employers. The implication of the previous findings regarding males have a slightly higher IQ score than women will directly influence the employers decision about who to hire. Employers are more likely to hire men because of their higher intelligence scores. These findings may also have an impact on what type of job males and females can work in. Due to the findings of specific intelligence, males are more likely to work in jobs that require spatial performance such as construction work, whereas females are more likely to work as a presenter or interviewer which requires high-quality verbal performance. However, this finding would not have an impact on school children due to Lynn and Irwings findings of there being no difference between children up to the age of fifteen. This finding does not however generalise to further education such as applying for universities. Educators and professors of a specific university will want the most intelligent students to study at their university; therefore they are more likely to choose males over females after considering their A Level grades as well as taking into consideration the above findings. However, certain universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, who interview every candidate maybe more in favour of females due to them being statistically better at verbal tasks. The interviewers knowing this statistic maybe biased before the candidate enters the room which could affect their chances of entry. In general, the above findings will have an impact on general stereotypes in society. Women are commonly seen as below men in many areas of life, such as the work place. The findings of men having slightly higher IQs than women will add to this typecast of women being secondary. Although Lynn and Irwing claim that these findings are insignificant, in todays society, the fact that men do have, on average a higher IQ score in general intelligence will outweigh the psychologists findings. The inconsistency of the above findings shows that researching specific intelligence is more accurate than studying general intelligence. General intelligence is a very wide and open research topic, and the precision of studying this form of intelligence is not as clear cut as studying specific aspects of intelligence. Institutions should therefore use specific IQ scores to make decisions, because the specific scores would show the employer or educator where lies the individuals strengths and weaknesses, rather than ordering them in order of intelligence. In conclusion, when considering general intelligence, males have a slightly higher IQ score than females. However, the effect size for this finding is .2 meaning that the difference in too small to be significant. Specific intelligence tests show that males perform better at spatial tasks whereas women perform better at verbal tasks, therefore cancelling each other out. Due to males and females performing better at different things, their scores average out to be very similar for general intelligence. This difference does not occur until the individual reaches the age of fifteen. In early adolescents Lynn and Irwing discovered there are no sex differences at all. Although males score higher on IQ tests, they have a much larger variance in their scores. When looking along the spectrum of intelligence, males tend to score on either end of the scale, whereas females score closer to the average IQ of 100. The implications of these findings will have a great impact on further education for students, depending on how the university or college base their decisions on. For adults, the findings will impact on what type of job they are more likely to work in. Due to criticisms of past studies, implications for further studies are that more tests should be conducted for researching specific intelligence rather than general, due to the wide scope of what general intelligence tests can include. Education: The Backbone of a Nation | Essay Education: The Backbone of a Nation | Essay Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. The wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something. Education requires instruction of some sort from an individual or composed literature. The most common forms of education result from years of schooling that incorporates studies of a variety of subjects. The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education. The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things. It is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. Education is good but can be really bad and unproductive when it becomes indoctrination. When one talks about education and being educated in this part of the world, people are quick to think about going to the university. They see those that have access to the university education who are regarded as being educated and those without the privilege as illiterate. Having seen and experienced this, I realize that when schooling becomes indoctrination, only the truly educated ones become successful. Now, what does it mean to be truly educated? What does it mean to be indoctrinated? What connection do these two have with schooling? To answer these three significant questions, we will need to define the nouns or verbs from which each of them is derived and analyze them. Longman Dictionary defines education, a noun from which educated is derived from: the process by which your mind develops at school, college or university. Indoctrinate, a verb from which indoctrination is derived, according to Longman dictionary means: to train someone to accept a particular set of political or religious beliefs and not consider any others. The English dictionary defines indoctrinate as to teach with a biased, one-sided or uncritical ideology. School, a noun from which schooling is derived, is defined in the English dictionary as: (U.S.) an institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution. (British) an educational institution providing primary and secondary education, prior to tertiary education (college or university). It must be noted that school is not limited to a certain institution, it is simply any institution for learning and education can be derived from any of these institutions. It is only indoctrination that makes people glorify one ahead of the other. Almost all of us belong to the school of thought that without university education a person is not educated. A polytechnic graduate is always rated lower than a university graduate regardless of intelligence of the former; thus certification has taken the place of real intellectualism and technicality. This indoctrination is a great tragedy to youth development. We have been made to believe that without a university education, we are no better than illiterates are. When we talk about intelligence, people are fast to measure it by the good grades acquired through formal education. We also have not been studious enough to see the difference: being a university graduate does not guarantee a successful life. The pieces of evidence are here but we couldnt see. Thats indoctrination. It is a gross waste of time to sit down and wait for admission when what we want to study in school is unrelated to what we really want to become, perhaps in what we are skilled. It is a lack of vision to accept a change of course just to be a university student, but our society has provided us with no other choice than to join them if we cant beat them. Everyone just wants to answer the name university graduate just for the sake of it. Therefore, we forgo our visions, dump our dreams for the title that comes with certificates which we might dump in our wardrobes and not make use of for the rest of our lives. It is true no knowledge is lost but such indoctrination comes with lesser or no profit. For the records, not being a university student does not make a person less or an illiterate. Let us overcome this wrong mentality in which we have been so much enslaved. University education with a good certificate is an achievement on its own, but it is not the most accurate determinant of efficiency nor does it necessarily enhance productivity or efficiency in the labor market. Year in year out, young boys and girls register for universities entrance exams and when they fail to make the required grades, they are considered failures. The ones that are tired of trying settle for colleges of educations, technical schools or polytechnics while the so-called determined ones, most of whom have no idea what they want to do with their lives, continue in the struggle of rewriting university entrance examinations. They keep making money for the universities when it is certainly most of them have no business being university students. Now, what does it mean to be truly educated? Going by the definition of education in Longman dictionary, it is the process by which your mind develops at school, college or university. The dictionary only mentions school, college or university in order to foster understanding in a layman, but the true meaning of education is the process by which mind and the whole being is developed through learning. This learning can be acquired in any designated institution. However, there can be no true education where there is indoctrination. Education is all about learning how to achieve ones passion and goals while indoctrination, going by its definition, is believing what one is told or what seems agreeable, convenient and best in order to avoid the stress of learning and engaging in its practicality. If one who doesnt ever attend university is considered educated, then who is uneducated? An uneducated person is a person who doesnt know anything about his lifes visions and goals and how to pursue them; one who does not have what it takes to succeed in his chosen lifestyle. For instance, if we want to be in life is a footballer and we go to school to study mechanical engineering when we should register ourselves into a football academy and develop our skills, we are simply uneducated. It doesnt matter if we have a Ph.D. in it. Ph.D. in mechanical engineering will never make us a better footballer. Imagine if Messi and Ronaldo have left football academy to go to university, will they have become the famous and successful footballers that we know today? However, being an illiterate who is unable to read and write; having less than an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature, or having a little formal education; not conforming to prescribed standards of speech or writing, will always limit anyones level of education. Of course, there are natural talents that do not require being taught in order to have them. If one is unable to read and write, he or she will definitely have limited education. Education can be acquired via other sources but literacy or the ability to read and write is vital. However, being a university student is not the proof that one is educated. For one to be able to sit for university entrance examination he or she must be educated, that is, he or she must be a literate and have at least ordinary level of formal education. That means one can be educated even without a university education. Tertiary education is not for everybody and those who are there are not superior to those who are not. It is only a required type of education for those whose goals and dreams in life could be shaped thereby, but if not it is a gross waste of time and wrong indoctrination. We should understand and discover our dreams and passions and should give them the most priority. We should take our destinies into our own hands, follow our dreams and not unnecessarily crave for university education and become a nuisance after graduating even with good grades. When schooling becomes indoctrination, only the truly educated ones become successful. To be successful in life requires more than just university education and most significant success stories in life are not as a result of it. The truly educated people are those who are original, resourceful and creative, who dream dreams and think out of the box to attain their dreams and fulfill their passions. They are those that acquire the only type of education that liberate their passions and help them to reach their set goals, not university graduates. True education is concerned not only with practical goals but also with values. Our aims assure us of our material life, our values make possible our spiritual life. In true education, anything that comes to our hand is as good as a book: the prank of a page- boy, the blunder of a servant, a few table talks they are all part of the curriculum. True education flowers at the point when delight falls in love with responsibility. No group and no government can properly prescribe precisely what should constitute the body of knowledge with which true education is concerned. No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness, and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Airports & Pollution Essay -- essays research papers

Airports and Pollution Abstract How do airports affect the environment and the area surrounding an airport? Transportation through the air is an ever-growing portion of the way people get to their destinations these days. But how many people know about the forms of pollution that occur at an airport. Noise pollution, water pollution, and air pollution are some of the effects at airports and the area around them that are occurring today. Airports and Pollution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The many effects of the ever-growing aspect of airports and the rapidly demanding growth of transportation through the air may be spoiling the environment that we live in today. The most noted form of pollution that occurs from airports and the planes that fly in and out of them everyday would be noise pollution. To express sound we often refer to the word decibel. Decibel is a shorthand way to express the amplitude of sound. Prolonged exposure over 85 decibels that could occur at any point of your daily routine could signal the beginning of hearing loss. Just to give you a few examples of the decibel values of some common everyday activities, at the clothing department of a large store you could experience 53 decibels. Normal everyday conversation with someone sitting next to you exposes you to 60 decibels. Heavy city traffic exposes you to 92 decibels. A jet liner traveling 500 feet overhead from you exposes you to 115 decibels. That’s 30 decibels over th e point where hearing could be damaged if there is a prolonged exposure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Water pollution at airports is another major concern for us as citizens. Water pollution affects more people that just the ones located near an airport. 45 of the 50 busiest airports in America today are located within three miles of a major waterway according to the National Resources Defense Council. The major pollutant, a substance called ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, is one of the major substances that are getting into our waterways. Glycol is used for de-icing the airplanes during the winter weather season. At 93 airports during the 1989-1991 timeframe, more than four million gallons of glycol was used for de-icing purposes. With well over 500 certified airports in the United States, the actual amount emitted is much higher than reported. During de-icing, the airlines mi... ... cost twenty five hundred dollars.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final pollution issue is the air pollution aspect from the airports. The airplanes that are taxing could reduce fuel consumption and engine emissions by taxiing on only one engine. Single engine taxiing saves fuel and reduces emissions substantially. Delta Airlines Pilot generally only use one engine to taxi, and at their hub in Atlanta, this strategy saved more than 5.9 million in fuel costs in 1995 alone. References Aviation Noise Effects (March 1985) Comparative Noise Levels. Retrieved February 21, 2005 from the Noise Pollution Web site: Environmental Health Perspectives (1997) Environmental Health Issues. Retrieved February 18, 2005 from the Environmental Health Perspectives Web site: Nader, R., & Smith, W. (1994). Collision Course: The Truth About Airline Safety. Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: McGraw Hill Hardaway, R. (1991). Airport Regulations, Law, and Public Policy. Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books Linton, R. (1970). Terracide; America’s Destruction of Her Living Environment Hampstead, Maryland: Little Brown & Company

Friday, July 19, 2019

Antibiotic Usage Essay -- Biology, DNA

This optimism has been dissipated long before the 20th century when the proliferation of antibiotic resistance bacteria became evident as Fleming predicted earlier. With the rapid development of infectious disease associated with antibiotic resistance forced us to change the way we view disease and the way we treat patients. However, antibiotic use has not been without consequence and several factors had contributed to the development of resistance. Some resistances are due to spontaneous mutation and these mutations are for select antibiotic resistance whilst other bacteria tend to steal the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from their counterparts who are already familiar with antibiotics (Mims, 2004; Tenover, 2006). Antibiotic remained effective against most bacterial infection, however these bacterial cells develop resistance and continue to divide resulting in a resistant population and some are no longer effective against infectious disease that was killed few years ago (Levy, 2000). The impact of antibiotic resistance could lead to more infectious diseases that are hard to treat and could result in a global threat making it difficult as mutation and evolutionary pressure cause increase in antibiotic resistance (Strelkauskas et al, 2010). Antibiotics are extremely important medicine but unfortunately bacteria become resistant make it problematic as antibiotic resistance had posed problem around the world people continued to travel and modern technology and sociology exacerbated the development of resistant strains, these strains are transferred from infected people causing a repeat in cycle as they moved from one place to the next (WHO, 2001). Increased globalisation is responsible for res istance, in large overpopulat... ...odified penicillin binding proteins. Some resistant bacteria could be dangerous for example; MRSA and the vancomycin resistant staphylococcus auerus that are virulent in human pathogens (Strelkauskas, 2010) by reducing the permeability of their membranes as a way of keeping out antibiotic by turning off production of porin and other proteins (Weston, 2008), for example; the multi-drug resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis. In pathogens such as Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus, efflux pumps played a major role in multi-drug resistance likewise Klebsiella species becoming resistance and other bacteria producing enzymes from Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase (Livermore and Hawley, 2005; Tenover, 2006) also multi-drug resistance antibiotics Acinetobacter Baumanii and the New Delhi Metallo-1(NDM-1) causing havoc amongst the healthcare setting (HPA, 2010).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gregory Howard Williams Life on the Color Line Essay -- Williams Life

Gregory Howard Williams' Life on the Color Line Life on the Color Line is a powerful tale of a young man's struggle to reach adulthood, written by Gregory Howard Williams - one that emphasizes, by daily grapples with personal turmoil, the absurdity of race as a social invention. Williams describes in heart wrenching detail the privations he and his brother endured when they were forced to remove themselves from a life of White privilege in Virginia to one where survival in Muncie, Indiana meant learning quickly the cold hard facts of being Black in skin that appeared to be White.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This powerful memoir is a testament to the potential love and determination that can be exhibited despite being on the cusp of a nation's racial conflicts and confusions, one that lifts a young person above crushing social limitations and turns oppression into opportunity. Williams is defiantly a man of two worlds. In one world he had promise and comfort, in the other he lived in deprivation and repression where one had to work in order to just survive. Williams's recollection of his ?life on the color line? is a unique testimonial of the life of an individual who has walked in both the shoes of a White man and then those of a Black man. His story provides examples of real life experiences and events that can further the research of social psychologists by offering insight into the understanding of many social psychological theories and concepts, such as modern racism, in-group favoritism and confirmation bias just to name a few. From beginning to end the reader is bombarded with all kinds of racism and discrimination described in horrific detail by the author. His move from Virginia to Indiana opened a door to endless threats of violence and ridicule directed towards him because of his racial background. For example, Williams encountered a form of racism known as modern racism as a student at Garfield Elementary School. He was up to win an academic achievement prize, yet had no way of actually winning the award because ?The prize did not go to Negroes. Just like in Louisville, there were things and places for whites only? (Williams, 126). This form of prejudice is known as modern racism because the prejudice surfaces in a subtle, safe and socially acceptable way that is easy to rationalize. Another form of racism experienced by the author is blatant racism whi... ...Williams had been White. Ingroup favoritism is the tendency to discriminate in support of an ingroup over members of the outgroup. The author experienced ingroup favoritism when the coach of his basketball team decided to drop Williams from the varsity team in order to replace him with a white, B-team player who was not as well developed a basketball player as Williams. Many of the stereotypes we encounter and hold today were formed because of events in the past, which were formed to rationalize and justify past social and political agendas. Many of the stereotypes that we now hold today were learned long ago and have been passed from one generation to the next. This book has forever inspired me to believe in the value of each child and discourage racist attitudes wherever I encounter them. Gregory Howard Williams encountered many hurdles growing up and successfully defeated them all. He could have easily confirmed the expectations of his negative peers and developed into a self-fulfilling prophecy, but instead he chose to shun his stereotypes and triumph over incredible odds. Works Cited: Williams, Gregory Howard. Life on the Color Line. New York: Plume Book, 1995.

Cipd 3prm

3PRM ACTIVITY B What did I do? Before I started the appraisal i had to look at the current personal development plan that was in place. I also went through what targets were in place and checked that the objectives that had been set where smart. I wanted the employee to feel comfortable so I decieded to make this and informal meeting. I wanted to enable the employee to feel at ease and not nervous are anxious. The model that I decided to use was the GROW model which is used often in coaching to motivate and involve. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I advised the employee the format of the meeting, I explained that it would be a opportunity to give his view on how he felt his development was going. To discuss any strengths and also discuss areas where development may be needed. We firstly discussed the current personal development plan that was in place and ask the employee there current view of how they feel they are performing and where they are at with targets to date. What feedback did I get?The employee gave me some great feedback. They advised the format of the meeting and being informal made the employee feel comfortable and at ease. The employee like that we reviewed the current personal development plan and was happy to have areas of improvement to allow to employee to set goals. It was clear that I was familiar with the objectives and had reviewed these before we started discussing them. It was also advised that I was relaxed which helped the employee feel relaxed. How would I rate my performance?I think I did quite well, as this isn’t something I have a lot of experience in so I feel that there are areas I can improve on in future. I felt that I did really well at listening to what the employee was saying and linking that to another open question to get the employee talking and the review flowing. I also feel that my friendly and relaxed approach came across as very sincere and helped the employee speak honestly. What have I learnt? I think I have l earnt how to make and employee feel comfortable in a review and also I have learnt what type of questions may be asked.I now also feel I have the skills to help encourage the employee to talk rather than you doing all the talking, and you have to be able to develop goals and objectives that are appropriate and relevant for the individual. By asking the right questions and persisting with open questions, they do eventually start to talk. How will I use what I have learnt? I think the skills I have learnt will prove useful not only when conducting appraisals, but in other situations such as interviews and disciplinaries.Both of these situations require the use of good questioning and listening skills and I think that I will be much more confident in my ability to engage employees in open conversation in the future. I think it will also encourage me to take more of an interest into all employees’ development and will now push for reviews to be on a more regular basis. I think th is will help to boost employee morale, as well as improve communication between line managers and their staff. PLANNING NOTES Work through objectives and assess whether they are SMART? * Look at whether we can re-word these to make them more achievable * Look at strengths and weaknesses * Discuss rewarding and timescales * Development area’s * Discuss more realistic targets NEW OBJECTIVES To be provided with extra support in areas where established weakness’s. Provide additional training to enable employee to develop within the company and further there career as outlined in new personal development plan.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Greek and Roman Contributions to Modern Society

Both Greece and Rome make significant contri besidesions to Western cultivatedization. classical friendship was ascendant in philosophy, physics, chemistry, medicine, and mathematics for intimately two thousand years. The Romans did non be possessed of the Grecian temperament for philosophy and perception, besides they had a genius for law and civil administration. The Romans were to a fault great engineers and builders. They invented concrete, perfected the arch, and constructed roadstead and bridges that remain in intent today. But uncomplete the Greeks nor the Romans had much custody for engineering.The technological orderliness that change the realness was conceived by europiumans during the Middle Ages. Greeks and Romans were notorious in their disdain for technology. Aristotle noted that to be assiduous in the mechanically skillful arts was intolerant and irksome. Seneca infamously characterized invention as something fit tho for the meanest slaves. The Rom an Emperor Vespasian rejected technological innovation for fear that it would lead to unemployment. Greek and Roman economies were built on slavery. Strabo describe the slave market at Delos as capable of handling the sale of 10,000 slaves a day.With an abundant supply of manual labor, the Romans had bitty incentive to sustain artificial or mechanical rootage reference works. Technical occupations much(prenominal) as blacksmithing came to be associated with the lower classes. With the pass on of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth carbon AD, a nefariousness Age in philosophy and scientific discipline descended upon the Mediterranean region. But the unwritten account of technological progress continued. In northerly and western Europe, there was neer a period of regression. As early as 370 AD, an unk straightaway author noted the mechanical inventiveness of the barbarian piles of northern Europe.The Christian ethic of universal br new(prenominal)hood slowly counterpane done Europe, and slavery began to disappear. Tribes and peoples became joined under a common creed. Europeans not solely embraced technology, exactly they also positive the idea of a universal society based upon respect for the dignity and cost of the individual human being. From the sixth through the one-ninth centuries AD, Europeans adopted new rustic technologies that dramatically increased productivity. One of these innovations was a heavy wheeled plow that stone-broke up the soil more(prenominal) efficiently than the Roman scratch plow.Formerly unproductive lands were change into arable cropland. The Greeks and Romans had undertakeed knight cavalrys with a throat-and-girth harness that consisted of a strap placed crosswise the animals neck. As soon as the horse began to invite out, he would choke himself. In the ninth century, Europeans began to recitation a padded horse pass with flying colors that transferred the load of a plan animal to its shoulders. Horse s harness with collars were able to pull four to five times more weight than those with throat-and-girth harnesses. Horse queen was also facilitated by the origin of the iron shoe.With fast-moving horses harnessed efficiently, it became realizable to transport goods up to 35 kilometers in one day if a sufficiently good road was available. in that location was now a way to draw of rural surpluses and create wealth that could be utilise for investment in technology and infrastructure. Thus, the introduction of the lowly horseshoe and collar fostered commerce, civilization, and the growth of towns. Under the Roman dust of two-field crop rotation, half the land was left-hand(a) fallow and unproductive at whatsoever given time. In the eighth century, Europeans began to exercise three-field crop rotation.Fields lay fallow for totally a third of the year, and shreds were substitutenated with legumes that enriched the soil with nitrogen. The cultivation of legumes such as pea s and beans added valuable protein to European diets. In the tenth century, the climate began to warm, and Europe entered the High Middle Ages. By the 13th century, the new agricultural technologies had doubled per acre yields. people surged architecture and commerce flourished. Europeans began a chopine of aggressive territorial expansion. They reclaimed Sicily in 1090 and remainsatically drove Muslims out of Spain.The send-off Crusade was launched in 1095, and Jerusalem was captured from the Seljukian Turks in 1099. The prosperity created by the new agricultural technologies subsidized upbringing and the growth of knowledge. In the late eighth century, Charlemagne had revived education in Europe by oscilloscope up a general system of schools. For the first time, not fair monks, precisely also the general public were educated. As the European economy prospered, students multiplied and traveled, seek the best education they could find. Christian duomo Schools evolved into t he first universities.The Universities of Paris and Oxford were founded c. 1170, Cambridge in 1209 AD. The harnessing of peeing personnel began around 200 BC with the invention of the quern, a primitive grain mill around consisting of two rotating stones. The Romans had been aware of water indicator besides do humble use of water wheels and move. In contrast, by the tenth century, Europeans had begun a wholesale transformation of their civilization from human and animal power to water power. The water-mill came to be viewed not just as a grain mill, but as a generalized source of power that could be adopted for many an(prenominal) uses.This new approach was to fundamentally alter the fabric of human civilization. By the thirteenth century, water power was being use in sawmills, tanning mills, and iron forges. automatic power derived from moving water was utilize to solve beer mash, to turn wood lathes and attrition stones, to power bellows, to drive forge hammers, and to lying paper. Be move water power was available solely where streams were located, Europeans developed other sources of mechanical power. tidal power was used in great of Delaware and Venice in the eleventh century. The first wind generator in Europe appeared in 1085 AD.Over the side by side(p) hundred years, windmill technology spread rapidly over the plains of northern Europe. Windmills provided power in the cold of winter, when water mills were shut down by frigid streams. The utilization of mechanical power in these many forms required that Europeans develop methods for transferring and redirecting power, all-important(a) technologies for the industrial R ontogeny of the late ordinal century. Most important of these was the raw. The crank is a device that allows rotary motion to be converted into reciprocal motion, or vice-versa.For an industrial or technological civilization, the importance of the crank is second precisely to that of the wheel itself. Without the cran k, cable car civilization is inconceivable. Water quantifys had been known since ancient times, but they were notoriously faulty and inconvenient. Near the end of the thirteenth century, it became possible to construct the first mechanical clock when some unknown genius invented a device known as the bound escapement. The verge escapement enabled the power delivered by a falling weight to be modulate and delivered evenly at a continuous rate.The techniques developed in clockwork for regulating and transferring power were essential for the complex machinery of the Industrial Revolution. The introduction of mechanical clocks also made it feasible to adopt standardized timekeeping. This was a necessary step for the eventual teaching of a technological civilization that ask to coordinate complex administrative and commercialized interactions. Modern science traces its roots to the pictorial philosophy of the ancient Greeks and the pre-Socratic enlightenment c. 600-400 BC.The G reeks began the evolution of what became modern science by introducing realness and rejecting supernatural explanations. Describing epilepsy, a Hippocratic author noted that the disease was no more divine nor more sacred than other diseases, but has a natural cause from which it originates like other affections. But neither the Greeks nor the Romans ever hit upon the experimental method. Greek philosophers favored the deductive logic used in geometry. They had several reasons for being inquisitive of a science based on observation.The world was in state of incessant flux, different people observed things differently, and the only data available to them were anecdotal. Modern science began in the thirteenth century when Christian theologians such as Robert Grossesteste became seduced by Aristotelean logic and the Greek principle of epideictic proof. But when Grossesteste and his student Roger Bacon contemplated the mysterious properties of the magnet, they were laboured to con clude that logic alone could never uncover the secrets of the cosmos.Magnetism was a phenomenon that could never be predicted by logical reasoning. It could only be observed. Thus the need for a dictatorial experimental method. Gunpowder originated in China, but objet darts were a European invention. Cannon go through from the first part of the fourteenth century in Europe, and they were common by 1350. The use of cannon in particular helped establish up feudalism, as it made interchange fortifications obsolete. Even the strongest structures were now vulnerable. The protection offered by a stone castle was eviscerated.The stubbornness of personal firearms gave individuals more political power and was an engine for social and political change. The firearm was also the first internal combustion engine and demonstrated the enormous authorisation power that lay in engrossed and controlled combustion. Like gunpowder, many of the technologies developed and utilize by Europeans or iginated in China. But the Chinese were never able to fully develop the promise of these inventions because their economical development was stifled by a bureaucratic, state controlled economy. In Europe, the leaders in developing medieval technology were not philosophers, but craftsmen, merchants, and business community in a word, entrepreneurs. There were scratch to be derived from the new technologies. A water-powered mill required a considerable capital investment, but the investment was likely to crop a significant profit. Inventive, free people looked for ways to improve their productivity. Individuals profited, and society prospered. Thus, the Industrial Revolution that began in England c. 1760 was the inevitable resolution of a thousand years of European technological progress fostered by economic freedom.During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the technological innovations pioneered in Europe began to spread throughout the world. This process continues today, close notably with the transformation of the worlds most populous countries, China and India. The most needed benefit of the technology that Europeans bequeathed to the world was a dramatic increase in bread and butter prevision. Before the Industrial Revolution, average living expectancy at comport was only 25 years, no higher than it had been in Roman times.But as of 2009, life expectancy in the world had reached 69 years. And Nipponese women now enjoy a picture life expectancy at birth of 86 years. Thus the world was transformed not by philosophers, scientists, or politicians, but by engineers, craftsmen, and entrepreneurs. Writing in 1768, Joseph Priestley predicted that any(prenominal) was the beginning of this world, the end will be glorious and paradisaical, beyond what our imaginations can now conceive. Thanks to European inventors, Priestleys prediction was fulfilled.